Antje Roggemann
2. June 2021
Energy Clearing, Healing
cord cutting, energies, extrasensory abilities
I have been asked “What have been your craziest / fascinating experiences with Energy Clearing practices?” There are a few. Weird energies In 2012 my ex-husband and I went on our separation holiday to Provence, France. We had been…
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Antje Roggemann
13. November 2020
Energy Clearing, Sensitivity
angels, energies, prayer
This morning I realized that I had forgotten something that I used to do every morning, the Daily Alignment Prayer where I call on Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and ask for their energies, guidance and protection. I had started…
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Antje Roggemann
20. October 2020
Healing, Living, Sensitivity
emotions, energies, spiritual journey
I don’t usually write about this topic. It’s just been part of my life for so long. My oldest would be 11 this year. But there’s lots of posts popping up right now about pregnancy and infant loss. And this…
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Antje Roggemann
27. February 2020
energies, healing, selfcare
I usually don’t remember what I’ve channeled and I also don’t listen to the channelings. Nevertheless the content and the energies work their way through me and change me. Sometimes these integrations can be very challenging on a physical level.…
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Antje Roggemann
1. September 2019
Energy Clearing
energies, life purpose, retreat
1,5 months ago I did a channeling for Christoph, my osteopath, as part of his Birthday Year Reading which is a gift I gave him for his 40th birthday. It was the first recorded audio channeling I did and the…
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Antje Roggemann
19. August 2019
Energy Clearing, Living
energies, social media
And you are not a victim. I keep getting irritated by posts about how negative social media can be and statements like “People are looking for the drama posts”. And I always shake my head and say “No, I don’t”…
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Antje Roggemann
8. July 2019
Energy Clearing, Sensitivity
boundaries, cord cutting, energies, spiritual journey
I am repeatedly being asked or hear stories about deceased loved ones or other entities showing up in people’s energy fields without consciously having been invited. Here’s what I have learned about this through personal experience. I have had those…
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Antje Roggemann
26. April 2019
Energy Clearing, Healing
energies, soul expansion, transformation
For the past few months since leaving the aggressive home I have been going through a major shift and release of old stuff and energy. Every month there is more I‘m being guided to release. At the same time I…
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Antje Roggemann
18. March 2019
Energy Clearing
energies, lightworker, transformation
If you want to help raise the consciousness of humanity and leave a cleaner, healthier Earth for generations to come, you have to look at your own sh*t of the past and clear it. If you want a better world,…
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Antje Roggemann
18. October 2018
Energy Clearing
cord cutting, energies, healing, soul expansion, transformation
Over the course of a day and over the course of your life you accumulate energies in your energy field, in your body and in your life that are not yours and not for your highest good and wellbeing. Those…
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