A Family Clearing Session is meant to clear up to 12 closely related people from spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials and black magic, close portals in their energy fields and close their boundaries to protect from new entities coming in. It is also meant to release problems, patterns, past lives and past life dynamics. I do these sessions together with my work partner Alaya.
Duration: 2,5 hours
Price: 444€
Up to 12 people can be included in the session. They should be closely related.
Examples: parents, aunts/uncles, siblings and their spouses and children, grandparents.
All people will be cleared as a group from entities (spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials) as well as black magic. Portals will be closed immediately. Portals are open doors through which beings from the spirit world flood into the energy field of people.
When people are clear, their boundaries will be closed which ensures that they cannot take on any new spirits, earthbound spirits, other beings.
Before the session we will ask for a list of topics/problems you have with each family member and problems you see in them. All topics will be put in a Cutting Circle and cut from all people’s energy fields. By handwriting out all topics, we clairvoyantly see the patterns, past lives and past life dynamics behind them and they will be cleared in the session too from everyone.
After the session you receive a protocol.
DM me on Instagram to book your Family Clearing Session or email me.
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