Antje Roggemann Medium

7 Characteristics Of My Work As A Channel

  1. I usually don’t remember what I’ve channeled and I also don’t listen to the channelings.
  2. Nevertheless the content and the energies work their way through me and change me. Sometimes these integrations can be very challenging on a physical level.
  3. I am constantly required to improve my health even further, because the less trauma, emotions and pain are stuck in my nervous and muscular system, the better the energies and messages of the channelings flow through me.
  4. I do not decide what messages come through, which posts, cards or other products are being published and when. The Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters decide that.
  5. I am not the author. I am the channel. This goes for most of the work I publish, except when I share my personal story and experiences.
  6. I now know through experience that channeling takes its toll on my nervous and muscular system and takes a lot of energy from my adrenal glands. I had to learn to relax and take time for myself every day, get osteopathy when my body needs to release energy and tension and let go of being vegan and take meat back into my diet.
  7. I need to regularly clear out old energies from my life, because this work frequently up levels my own energy field. I’ve had to learn to accept that this also means letting go of people I love, sometimes temporary, sometimes forever.


Thank you to Lee Harris and Paul Selig for your interview which made me recognize so much in what you shared and inspired me to write this post.

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