Antje Roggemann
7. December 2021
Healing, Living
change, guidance, healing, spiritual business
In November it became clear to me that I was nearing the end of a 5 year phase of transitioning from a separation into having built a new life and business and financial self-sufficiency. I even suddenly had my wish…
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Antje Roggemann
27. May 2021
healing, trauma, trauma healing
Sometimes you don’t know why you are going through a certain experience until you are at the other end of it. I just had that happen. I watched a litter of kittens being born and grow up in a foster…
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Antje Roggemann
12. May 2021
Healing, Video
acceptance, healing, resistance
This week I recorded a new Collective Healing Session video on the topic of Resistance which is coming up for many people right now. I have prepared this Collective Healing Session the same way I would prepare a Healing Session…
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Antje Roggemann
20. December 2020
Channeling, Energy Clearing, Meditation, Video
angels, archangels, healing, lightworker
JOIN ME FOR A Channeled Meditation on 21.12.2020 Great Conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius starting the Age of Aquarius The meditation will be: ? Energy Clearing with Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael to release 800 years of…
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Antje Roggemann
30. August 2020
Healing, Living
healing, transformation
As I am approaching my 44th birthday (September 18), I am in awe of my 44th year of life as it unfolded. For years I was shown this year of my life, but I never knew exactly what it would…
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Antje Roggemann
27. February 2020
energies, healing, selfcare
I usually don’t remember what I’ve channeled and I also don’t listen to the channelings. Nevertheless the content and the energies work their way through me and change me. Sometimes these integrations can be very challenging on a physical level.…
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Antje Roggemann
29. October 2019
emotions, healing, spiritual journey, transformation
As I have a lot of emotions to process at the moment and energies to move, I am using a whole array of tools to help me do that. I would like to share them with you. Maybe they can…
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Antje Roggemann
18. October 2018
Energy Clearing
cord cutting, energies, healing, soul expansion, transformation
Over the course of a day and over the course of your life you accumulate energies in your energy field, in your body and in your life that are not yours and not for your highest good and wellbeing. Those…
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Antje Roggemann
1. May 2018
Energy Clearing, Healing
cord cutting, energies, healing, karma
This morning I woke up to the Angels’ announcement that my job of clearing karma in my family of origin and my in-law family was finally done. Finished. All karma cleared. I am free to move on. Wow. I’m still…
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Antje Roggemann
25. January 2018
healing, love, osteopathy, spiritual journey
It started months ago before an osteopathy session that I have every 4 or 5 weeks. I had been having pain in my left shoulder and arm for years. They were screaming to get treatment. Which is why I eventually…
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