Antje Roggemann Medium

Channeled Meditation Age of Aquarius on 21.12.2020


Channeled Meditation on 21.12.2020

Great Conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn meet in Aquarius starting the Age of Aquarius

The meditation will be:

? Energy Clearing with Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Archangel Michael to release 800 years of karma and old energies that you do not want to take with you.

? Calling in new energies with Archangel Metatron, Hilarion & Kuthumi (Ascended Masters), Stephen (Saint for pioneers) to support your journey into the Age of Aquarius.

As always this is an energy transmission. It includes a powerful clearing of your auric field.

You can register for the meditation.

Price: 11,11 Euro

REGISTER NOW with this Payment link:

Choose Euro as currency when you pay.

The meditation will be recorded. I am not doing it live. I will channel it on December 21. You get the link to the video via email.

It is important that you drink lots of water during that day, before and after the meditation to help your body flush out any toxins and old energies. Also rest when you need to.

In this video I explain in detail about the Channeled Meditation:

You can still register and receive the link to the video after the 21.12.2020.

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