Antje Roggemann Medium

10 Tools To Process Emotions And Move Energies In The Body

As I have a lot of emotions to process at the moment and energies to move, I am using a whole array of tools to help me do that. I would like to share them with you. Maybe they can help you too.

Here are the tools for processing emotions and moving energies:

  • Writing Morning Pages. Right after waking up writing until I am empty. Thank you to my friend Birgit @manifestthelight for reminding me of that.
  • Breathing. When I am being hurt, I freeze and I stop breathing. When a lot of pain comes up, the same happens. Thank you to my friend Birgit @manifestthelight for reminding me to breathe again and again during the day.
  • Consciously connecting with nature. I make an effort to consciously look at leaves and flowers and connect with them and with little animals on them to give me moments of presence and fulfillment and awe. Thank you to my friend Julia for reminding me of that.
  • I walk new paths. This helps me to walk new paths emotionally, energetically, mentally, spiritually as well. It also helps me to be more present, because I don’t know the area. This gives me moments of presence and fulfillment which fill me up.
  • Walking in general. Walking off emotions. Walking and talking it out. I need two walks a day at the moment to process all emotions and I do talk out what comes up, even though I’m walking alone.
  • Qjigong. I do it every evening at the moment. At least I try. It helps to release and move energies in the body and to release emotions.
  • Visualizing healing. I do visualizations and send healing energy to hurt body parts and imagine them healed. I also read „How The Mind Can Heal Your Body“ by David Hamilton @davidrhamiltonphd right now. It explains the effects of for instance visualization on the body and helps me with that.
  • Somatic Experiencing. That is a trauma healing and release technique by Peter Levine. I have learned it from my trauma therapist at the Baltic Sea and didn’t use it for the past 2,5 years. Now it came back to me. I go it before I go to sleep. I tune into my body and talk out the tensions and what bothers me and move the energies and people in my mind to places where they feel comfortable for me. I feel the relaxed body parts and tune into them. Their relaxation transfers to the tense parts. After that I am able to sleep.
  • Bach Flower Remedies. I am taking Rescue Remedy about 4 times a day. I will also be taking a specific mixture to help with my current emotional status and thoughts. Thank you, Linsey Denham @bachmagic, for the Bach Flower Consultation and your support.
  • Using AuraSoma Equilibrium on my body. It helps my shoulder to release tension and let out what’s underneath. It also helps with my spiritual development. For AuraSoma Soul Sessions, contact my friend Birgit @manifestthelight.

Other things I do right now for myself are resting, pulling cards for myself, writing, having good food, reading. I also text and talk with friends. And I have found a new osteopath as my shoulder did not agree with not having a treatment last week. And I‘m going to keep myself on sick leave as long as I need to have the time to process what has happened and move forward, finding a new direction and new paths and people.

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