Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 33 – Social Media Marketing Angels

Today’s interview is with the Social Media Marketing Angels. Yes, they exist. I was so surprised when they suddenly showed up and offered their help for my Business and Business Plan. So let’s hear what they have to share.

Me: “Thank you very much for coming into my life and for being here for this interview today.”

Social Media Marketing Angels:
“You’re welcome. We are happy to contribute and share how we can help.”

Me: “Let’s start then. Is it cool to be an Angel?”

Social Media Marketing Angels:
“Yes, it is truly cool. Social Media is a fascinating field with so many facettes. Even though some parts of it are perceived annoying or not helpful by people. Often it’s simply hard to understand for the human mind how it works or not at all.”

“That’s where we come into play. We can guide you with our energy to do the things on Social Media that are right for you and your Business. That has got a lot to do with trust and following your heart instead of the herd. ?”

Me: “And that’s cool? I find it a challenge right now, even though I still do it.”

Social Media Marketing Angels:
“☺ Well, yes, it’s cool. But it requires that you let go of what others have taught you or say that this is the only way. It requires to trust your guidance completely and not compare yourself to others. And yes, it requires even more faith that the Universe and Angels do know that you want to have a successful Business that’s making money to support you, even if you can’t see yet how you will end up there.”

“Call on us, if you need guidance for your Social Media activities but also, if you need faith and trust that what you are being guided to do will work out. We are your cheerleading team as well as your lamp post showing the way. You can lean on us.”

Me: “Thank you. That sounds great. I truly appreciate your help. Is there anything you would like to add?”

Social Media Marketing Angels:
“Yes. Social Media is social. At least that’s what it’s intended to be. But that does not mean, you cannot sell your products there. Like some people say. If people get to know you through Social Media and interact with you and trust you, you are perfectly fine in selling your services to them, because they know what they can expect. That takes pressure and insecurities away, but it also cannot be forced. Yes, you can make videos to get more reach and grow your followers fast, but they still need time to get to know you. Just because you have many followers, it doesn’t mean that you have many customers or clients right away. So you might as well grow your followers slowly and have quality over quantity.”

Me: “O.k. Thank you so much for that intense insight. And Thank you for the interview and taking the time to answer my questions.”

Social Media Marketing Angels:
“You’re very welcome. Ask us for help, please. Anyone who does Social Media or wants to do it and doesn’t know how or whether it works. We are here to help. ?”

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