Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 28 – Angels of Abundance

Today’s interview is with the Angels of Abundance. They help us to make good financial decisions, find and receive abundance in all forms and go for a career that brings both joy and fulfills our earthly and material needs.

Me: “Thank you, Angels of Abundance, for being here tonight to give an interview and answer our question.”

Angels of Abundance: “You’re very welcome. We are so glad to be here and support everyone on their journey.”

Me: “Is it cool to be an Angel, Angels of Abundance?”

Angels of Abundance: “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. It absolutely is. It’s such a joy to help people to learn to receive and to show them that they are worth all the abundance in the world. Often it’s not that there isn’t enough. There is enough for everyone on this planet. But you really need to know and claim your self-worth. That is a huuuge topic for humans to learn. On the whole planet.”

Me: “I believe it might be hard for people to understand what you are saying when there is so much poverty in some parts of the world. How do you play into that and is there anything cool about that?”

Angels of Abundance: “As I said, the underlying issue is self-worth. In some regions it is also education. But often it is help that is needed from the outside to change the energies in an area, in a country, in a region. Abundance in the Western world is connected to abundance on the whole planet. What people who understand true abundance realise is that they can help others who are less fortunate to find their way to a fulfilling life.”

“People who have realised true abundance share their resources and their gifts openly and don’t care where their money comes from. They simply know that it’s always coming and that they can also give freely to others who might not be able to pay. With that realisation and by living that, they raise the frequency of the whole planet which in turn leads to changes all around the world.”

Me: “That was a long answer. Thank you.”

Angels of Abundance: “Yes, but what is cool in that whole scenario is that we can help with it. If you have financial struggles and/or are not satisfied with the career you are in, call us to help you. If you want to receive abundance in all ways, call on us. If you need support to heal your finances, call on us. If you believe your self-worth is low, call on us to help you change that. We support people with our energy and ease the changes and realisations. And of you would like us to go to an area in the world where there is poverty, just ask us to go there and help the people and we will happily do so.”

Me: “Thank you so much for all the valuable information you have shared with us today.”

Angels of Abundance: “You are welcome. We love to help. Please call on us.”

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