Antje Roggemann Medium

Writing A Businessplan Is Like Nurturing A Baby In The Womb

When I asked the angels what it is about a businessplan that makes it so important, they answered me with a metaphor: Writing a businessplan is like nurturing a baby in the womb.

You don’t conceive a baby meaning your business idea and immediately give birth to it. The baby needs to grow and be nurtured. You, the parent, needs to grow and prepare and gather information to be ready for the baby.

It’s the same with your business. You need to grow and evolve the idea. You need to develop products and services. You need to learn how to market yourself, which prices you set and who your customers are. You need to grow to be the business owner that steps out into the world with confidence.

When you write a businessplan, you do exactly that. You put time, energy and effort into your business. You receive ideas. You set the financial goals that you want to achieve. You nurture your baby and become the parent you want to be.

The Businesssplan Carries You

This is an important investment into your business that will pay off in the starting period of your business and in the long-term. The businessplan carries you. It’s like a blueprint that you set up for your business.

When the baby is born you keep nurturing it. You are guiding it. It has a life of its own, but it needs you. You will find the same with your business. You are guiding and steering it, but it has a life of its own. Customer feedback, potential partnerships will all have impact that you cannot know about before. You might make changes to your business while running it. You might change prices or products. All while the baby, the business is growing and growing. And your businessplan still carries you.

Once you give birth to the baby meaning start your business, you will be guided by your plan. You might not even need to read it again, because you know it. But if you do need guidance, you can always refer to it and it will help you to remember what you intended.

Angels Are Helping You

When you work on your businessplan with the help of Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, you will receive help in areas you may not even have thought of. One example: I do not set my prices. The Angels give them to me. This has been the case for my last business as well. Also there are Business Angels, Marketing Angels, Financing Angels, Pricing Angels, Social Media Marketing Angels who can all help you with your businessplan and your business.

So take the time and invest in your new business by writing a businessplan for it. A businessplan is a huge, detailed intention that tells the universe what you want to create. And the universe will help you to create it.


Business Planning Course

To learn how to write a businessplan, take the Business Planning Online Course.

During this course you will map out your business, your products, your prices, how and where to market yourself, who your customers are, what your financial goals are. At the end of the four weeks you should have a finished plan.

The course is now part of the Healer & Medium Training. I also open it to the public when I run it for a client. For course date announcements please follow me on Instagram and subscribe to the newsletter. Or DM me to ask.

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