Antje Roggemann Medium

What physical symptoms did I have when I went to my osteopath?

When I went to my osteopath for the first time 12 years ago, I had chronic neck and back pain and had been having that for years. I also had menstrual pain really badly and that got treated as well and disappeared. I went to the treatments regularly for nearly 3 years.

Then we moved. I thought I was fine, but older issues came up. But where we lived there were no osteopaths in the beginning and those who appeared later didn’t feel right for me.

Last year before I moved to Southern Germany I knew I was going back to the same osteopath I knew and trusted. At that time my left shoulder was screaming for treatment. I had been having chronic pain in my left shoulder and right hip for a few years. I couldn’t sleep on either side, only on my back.

I remember that at my first appointment it got clear that my whole body, all muscles and nerves were extremely tense on top of the pain I was talking about.

The treatments didn’t only release the pain, but also what was underneath or causing it. Blocked emotions that were stored in the body. Trauma from the past years, trauma from past lives. It also brought back memories from past lives. These things I didn’t expect to happen back then, but from my perspective now it makes total sense. Everything that blocks the energy flow in the body and energy field is being released.

I promised myself and my body to never stop going to osteopathy again, because the work that I do, the channeling of energies puts a strain on my nerves and muscles and within a few weeks tension builds up again that needs to be released. Osteopathy is self-care for me and my body that I need.

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