Antje Roggemann Medium

Prayer for exhausting times

Dear Angel for Divine Power and Archangel Michael, 

please support me with divine power. Let your strength and power and energy flow through me and help me master the current time.

Thank you. Amen. And so it is.


This current time and year 2024 is very exhausting at times with the astrological changes and solar maximum putting us all into processes that can be extremely painful, even physically, and are definitely tiring, exhausting, causing sleeplessness.

I have kept pulling the Angel for Divine Power in recent Healing Sessions for every client and myself. The message is always: use the energy of the Angels. Call on them to let their energy flow through you and help you master this time. And Archangel Michael helps with that too.


If you want to learn more about Angels and work with them, read my book:


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