Antje Roggemann Medium

Holding Intentions Is The Key

My recent manifesting a new home and the money to pay for it journey showed me like never before how important it is to hold the intention of what you want to manifest and turn it into daily prayers.

I had absolutely no idea how I would find the new home, where it would be and whether it would be on time. So I used intentions and daily prayers.

As time progressed the intentions got more clear. The ones I used most were:

  1. I pray to not overextend my overdraft.
  2. I set the intention to move January 30.
  3. I set the intention to receive the right new home with the right new people in the right area of town for the right price at the right time.

Every Encounter Was Healing

Throughout this journey I realized that every person I met, every room or flat I saw triggered an old, mostly negative experience and the attached emotions to be released. I wondered when this releasing would be finished so that I could finally find or receive the new home. I had no idea.

I Could Not See How Intentions Would Manifest

All this time I could not see how it would be possible to manifest those intentions. The release journey nearly brought my business to a standstill. So I didn’t know where the money would come from and whether I would be able to not overextend my overdraft, but that was what was really important to me.

I could not see how I would manage to find a new home at the right time as I got closer and closer to the moving date. And I could not see where it would be and how the people might be and what the cost would be. So I kept praying.

In the end the new home appeared one day before my set moving date. The people were students and so open and instantly welcoming to me and my cat that I immediately knew that was it. And it then turned out I only had to pay the rent for the month and no security deposit. And during the search my favourite barista at Starbucks often would give me discounts on my bills when I came there to sit and search for a new home, so I could still go.

All Intentions And Prayers Manifested

What I learned during this journey is that the intentions I held and turned into daily prayers all manifested, even though I had no idea at any time how that would happen. I followed the guidance I was getting daily and took one step after the other, every day again. Never before have I experienced how holding intentions that are really really important and praying makes manifest what I really need.

And for a long time I had not felt guided the way I did during this intense time. Mother Mary would pop up frequently to console me as well as Archangel Michael. The Angels of Mercy suddenly appeared 1,5 weeks before my move. The Spiritual Director, Lord Ganesh, Lady Portia and other Ascended Masters showed me I was guided and protected.

Manifest By Holding Intentions And Praying

So if you want to manifest something I advise you to hold the intention and turn it into a daily prayer. Never give up. Ask the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters for guidance and follow the steps you are being given. You will get to where you want to get in divine timing, even if you don’t know how and when as long as what you want to manifest is really really important and for the highest good of all involved.

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