In this case Alaya is working with the whole family, 2 adults (parents) and 4 children. I am additionally working with the mother who wants guidance on all that’s happening and wants to learn. Basically, the whole family is going through a process of Energy Clearing and spiritual awakening.
The woman I work with has been a mother and housewife for 21 years caring for her 4 children with their specific problems including drug and alcohol abuse. She has also started training as a naturopath and training to work with a tensor. She has many issues and health issues including being overweight, not feeling her own feelings, lots of falling down as a child and car accidents as young adult, 2 cesareans with the last 2 children, no emotional connection with her mother.
Basically, her first task is to go through a major process of energetic cleansing and to let go of old energies, burdens, patterns and behaviors and release them from the energy field and body. She was alone with everything as a child and learned from her father to do everything on her own. So, she also needs to let go of this behavior and learn to work with spiritual guidance.
The many falls and accidents are a sign of not being in the body. This is partly due to too many foreign energies. The more I release from her energy field, the more she can come into her body.
The excess weight is the body’s protective coating against energies. So, she needs to learn energetic protection and energetic cleansing and cord cutting with Archangel Michael and do it on a daily basis. I also told her that it is important that the children know Archangel Michael.
The energy clearing will also clear up her clair senses and intuition. She is meant to establish a communication with her soul and the spiritual world.
The first Angel that showed up from the Angel Symbols was the Angel for Karma Release. That means that the whole process is also about releasing old karma for all family members. However, everyone has collected this karma for themselves in past lives, not necessarily together.
She needed to learn that she is only responsible for herself and that the children should be accompanied by the parents according to their life plan. She has a pattern of taking responsibility for everything and everyone’s problems which stems from a past life and is now being released.
It is her task now to think about where she wants to go in life and to set her intentions. She told me about an experience that made her realize how she would like to feel. And my feeling is that it was a demonstration for her so that she can experience something different and strive for that. We’re not there yet. That is a journey to get there.
She also needs to get out of the ego and work more with guidance and also ask the angels for strength. The Angel for Divine Power showed up here. She is meant to let go of the pattern of having to do everything on her own, which she learned from her father.
Drugs and alcohol use/abuse by the children are attempts to have spiritual experiences. The children lack a connection to their soul, to the spiritual world. They need energetic and spiritual nourishment, communication with the spiritual world. They don’t learn this at school. So, they need to learn it now through her with our help.
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