Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 11 – Archangel Raphael

Today’s interview is with Archangel Raphael, the Healing Angel. The Angel who helps us with any kind of healing for ourselves and others. The Angel who assists all healers, doctors and therapists in whatever field they are working.

Me: “Thank you, Archangel Raphael, for taking time out of your busy life to answer our question.”

Archangel Raphael: “You’re welcome. I’m glad to make my contribution.”

Me: “Archangel Raphael, is it cool to be an Angel?”

Archangel Raphael: “Yes, it definitely is. Why? Well, many reasons. First of all, I can help heal as many people and animals as possible, because my energy is unlimited. Second, I get to be with an endless number of extraordinary talented and gifted healers and doctors and therapists and support them in their work, because I can be with all of them at once. I know the human mind isn’t able to comprehend that. So just accept it as a fact. Third, I can support as many healing and helping and science organisations as possible who all try to improve people’s and animals’ health on this planet. Again because I’m unlimited and my energy is endless.”

“But by far the most cool experience ever is when people who come from abusive families or poor upbringing go through years of healing and pain and then come out the other end as strong women and men who know who they are, who know their worth and who find their voice and stand in the light to be seen for who they really are and give what they have to give and often for the first time in their life receive what they truly deserve. This is the most cool and beautiful experience and journey to watch for me.”

Me: “Wow. That really sounds beautiful and very moving. Thank you so much for sharing with us.”

Archangel Raphael: “You are most welcome.”

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