Antje Roggemann Medium

A Christmas Message from Jesus

Dear humans,

I am Jesus who you call the Bringer of Light or Christ and many other  names. I am love and I come to you today to bring you my love and remind you of the love that is inside of you and everyone around you. I am here to remind you that you are not alone, that we are all connected, all humans, all beings on this planet and all beings that have no body like me. We are all connected. We are all one.

Love your neighbour like you love yourself. Forgive those who have hurt you this year. Today is the day to remember that there is only love behind every experience. Choose to see the love and the good in everything you experienced this year. Ask the question ‘What is the gift in this experience?’, if there is one that you find hard to accept and to love. How did you grow from it? What did you learn about yourself?

Nothing in this life happens to you. It all happens for you. The Universe loves you and wants only good for you. Your ego judges and has no idea about the big picture you are part of. You are not alone on this planet. Every experience you make also affects other people who might be at the other side of the globe. Ever decision you make affects everyone else. Remember to always choose love not fear or judgement. It’s o.k., if that takes practise.

I am not a hero on a pedestal. What you love when you hear my name are the qualities that I lived in my life. I was a human. You can be that way too. I am no guru. I just showed you a way of being love and being kind. You can be that way too. It requires awareness of self and others. It requires self-discipline to not react but step back, centre in love and respond with love. It requires some kind of spiritual discipline to master your own energy.

Today is Christmas and because this love fest has been celebrated for a long long time, you feel this love today and being love becomes easier for you today. But Christmas should not be special or an exception when it comes to being who you truly are: Love. Be Love all the time, all year. That is my main message. Be Love, no matter who you are with or where you are and what you do. Be Love.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.
May you Be Love always.

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