Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 30 – Fitness Angels

Today’s interview is with the Fitness Angels who help us to find the right kind of exercise or movement for our body’s needs and sensitivities.

Me: “Thank you, Fitness Angels, for offering to be interviewed today.”

Fitness Angels: “You’re welcome.”

Me: “Let me ask you: Is it cool to be an Angel?”

Fitness Angels: (smiling, beaming) “Yes, it is cool to be an Angel. And it is cool to support humans to take good care of their bodies. You know, you don’t need to figure everything out on your own. We can help.”

Me: “How can you help? What can you help with?”

Fitness Angels: “If you would like to find the right kind of exercise or, because this word already has a negative notion, the right kind of movement for your body, you can call on us and we guide you. If you need a cheerleader to get you going today, because you don’t feel like moving, ask for our support and energy.”

“Movement isn’t only exercise in a gym. For very sensitive bodies this might actually be painful and downright wrong. Movement can also be walking the stairs in your house, going for a soft walk or intense hike, singing and dancing to your favourite music at home or at a party with friends. It can mean carrying groceries today and mowing the lawn tomorrow. There is all sorts of movement that is possible and it’s important that you find the ones that make you feel good.”

Me: “How does your help work or feel for us? Is there anything cool about it?”

Fitness Angels: “You might actually find it cool when you’ ve experienced our help. ? When you call us, we surround you with our energy as Angels do. You might feel that as a breeze or warmth or tingling. That’s not specific to us. You might feel that with other Angels as well. But If you just called us, it’s very likely us. And then ask for what you want or need and see or feel what happens. Maybe you suddenly feel motivated or receive an idea what you could do for your body. Follow that and notice your feelings. Keep asking us and following that guidance and see how your relation to movement transforms and what it gives you. It will probably suddenly be and feel easier than you thought. And that’s the cool thing for us. To see people find their way of moving and having joy with it. ?”

Me: “Thank you for sharing with us how you can help us to find our right kind of movement.”

Fitness Angels: “You’re welcome. It was a pleasure. We love to help and support people. So please call on us for help.”

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