Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 16 – Marriage Angels

Today’s interview is with the Marriage Angels. To be honest, doing this at the scheduled day of my divorce, even if I don’t have official confirmation yet that it has happened (but it feels like it), is quite challenging and I’m actually crying right now. But this interview has not been scheduled by me. So I believe there will be some kind of blessing in it. Let’s go.

Me: “Welcome Marriage Angels. Thank you for taking the time to answer our question ‘Is it cool to be an Angel?'”

Marriage Angels: “You’re very welcome. There’s a reason we asked you to do this interview with us today. Don’t worry. Take your time. Releasing grief through crying is healing. So just let it go.”

Me: “Thank you. O.k. Here’s our question. Is it cool to be an Angel? And maybe if the answer is yes, why?”

Marriage Angels: “Yes, it is cool to be Angels. Just because with our energy we can do so much healing, spread love, connect and reconnect people.”

“Maybe we should explain something first. Every marriage has at least one Marriage Angel watching over it. There can be more. This Angel is being assigned to the marriage, to the couple at their wedding day and will stay with them throughout the whole marriage. Each partner or both together can call on this Angel to help with any challenges that occur in the relationship.”

Me: “O.k. Here comes the logical question from me today. What happens to the Marriage Angel when the couple separates and gets a divorce?”

Marriage Angel: “The Angel will be set free from the Marriage that no longer exists. But it can choose to stay with the two people to help turn their relationship into a new one and keep communication and connection going. This is what most Marriage Angels will do. This is why I asked you to do this interview today. I want you to know that your Marriage Angel will stay with you and your husband after your divorce and continue to support you both. This is why you saw him today.”

I’m crying as he says that. I need a few minutes to centre myself and continue.

Me: “Thank you so much for telling me that. It feels really comforting to know that our Marriage Angel will stay with us and continue to support us.”

Marriage Angel: “And why is it cool to be Angels? Because we get to deliver messages like that. Because we can wrap people in our energy to feel absolute bliss at their wedding. But we can also enfold them in our love and help to heal grief and transform it into deep gratitude for all that has been and for all the experiences and growth two people have shared in a marriage that is ending. That’s why it is cool to be Angels.”

Me: “Thank you so much for the interview and all you have shared today.”

Marriage Angels: “You’re so very welcome and never alone. All your Angels are always with you. Even your Marriage Angel. ☺️?”


  1. Matthew

    Fascinating Antje!! Very bold and brave of you to share this with us. Amazing and Awesome!! Very blessed to be connected with you as you share theses Celestial and Divine insights! I know how difficult and challenging it can be right now, here in the ? world, as we work hard to share and earn a living with our gifts, but it will all pay off!! Keep going!!????✨✨✨

  2. Antje (Post author)

    Thank you Matthew.

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