Antje Roggemann Medium

Is it cool to be an Angel? – Interview 2

The next Angel that wants to contribute to this Interview series is one of my own Guardian Angels, Amanda. Let’s hear what she has to say.

Me: “Is it cool to be an Angel, Amanda?”

Amanda: “Yes, it is absolutely fantastic. It is especially amazing to be Your Guardian Angel as you are so in tune with your body and intuition and therefore very good in receiving and following guidance.”

Me: “Oh Thank you for saying that. So what else is cool about being an Angel?”

Amanda: “Well, I can make people realise that life is magic when they open their eyes to it. Again it starts with you, because it’s you I communicate mostly with. But through you I can also make other people realise how wonderful life actually is.”

“It is tempting sometimes to get frustrated when people are absolutely not open to receive messages and guidance and have fun in their lives. But I would only add to the negative energy that’s around, if I get frustrated.”

“So instead I choose to try different ways of making people aware. Guardian Angels of different people communicate with eachother. I can for example communicate with the Guardian Angels of your sister and ask them to guide her to contact you or send you a gift or loving support. That way I’m able to support you as well. And that’s a fun way to give you love and support.”

“You can imagine a huge network of Guardian Angels all over the World all being connected in some way with each other, constantly communicating to help people create better lives for themselves and for others.”

Me: “Wow. Thank you so much for your insights. And Thank you for being with me, guiding and supporting me.”

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