Antje Roggemann Medium

Family Clearing Session Example

In this Family Clearing Session we cleared a family of 13 people of Indian descent living in the UK who all live together in a house on a property. We had elderly parents, adult children and 2 young children. Literally everyone had severe health issues and several of those issues showed up in more than one generation like being deaf and speech impaired, hypertension, diabetes. The whole family faced financial difficulties and scarcity. Not every adult is earning money.

Clairvoyantly to us it looked like all people in one house and property were covered and glued together by a big black cloud. It felt like tar. Everyone had spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials in their energy fields, house and property too. Black magic and manipulation was everywhere. And the whole family had a past life of living in a cult with incest leading to illnesses and committing mass suicide. There were also past lives with vows of poverty and the family being rich and not caring for others.

As with every Family Clearing Session we first closed portals in all energy fields. Second we transitioned all entities from all family members and house and property into the spirit world and back to their home planets. This takes many frequencies tuned into the energy fields and 4 Clearing Prayers. After everyone was clear, we closed the boundaries, so that no more entities can come in. We then released black magic and manipulation.

The next step is always to clear past life imprints for the whole family. We identify those clairvoyantly before the session by going through the list of physical symptoms and illnesses of the family.

After that is done we address individual family members and the Angels tell us who needs to be treated and what’s behind their issues. Here are a few examples:

  • Male: past life alcoholic, drinking himself to death
  • Diabetes in this life comes from that
  • Female: Past life abduction, getting anesthetic injection, being paralyzed and unconscious
  • Paralysis in this life comes from that
  • Female: Hypertension
  • Source: suppressed emotions taken on from father
  • Pattern: feeling responsible for everything even as a child, taking on the role of parent even as a child

All the issues and symptoms from those family members got released. Not every person in the family could be treated individually with their personal issues. The session started out with a lot of heavy energies and in the end it felt much lighter.


Book a Family Clearing Session for your family here:

Family Clearing Session

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