Today’s interview is with Archangel Chamuel who helps us with love, self-love, unconditional love and in relationships. Here we go.
Me: “Archangel Chamuel, thank you for taking the time to contribute to our interview series.”
Archangel Chamuel: “It’s an honour for me to be part of this. Thank you for accepting my request to be heard.”
Me: “My pleasure. So, let’s start. Is is cool to be an Angel?”
Archangel Chamuel: “Yes, it is definitely cool to be an Angel or as in my case an Archangel. Why? Because I am unlimited. My time, my energy, my love for all beings on Earth is unlimited. And also I’m unconditional. So whoever needs my help, I will be there. That actually goes for all Archangels. We don’t discriminate according to what you’ve done, your profession, your income, whether you have a house or are homeless. For me everyone equally deserves my love and my help.”
“And I am all about love. I can help people to learn to love themselves unconditionally no matter who they are or what they do. Because if you are here on this planet right now, you are here for a reason. You have a purpose. You matter and you are loved.”
“Because I’m unlimited, I can connect to people’s Guardian Angels to help someone learning to love themselves. I can bring in other Angels. I can bring in other people as well to make sure that someone really gets the message that they are loved. And I can do that for multiple people at the same time on multiple places on Earth.”
“Being an Angel is cool, because I can help people, who feel alone or displaced on this planet or in their family, to find their soul family. I can literally put those people in their path, so that they cannot miss them. I can help to create the most beautiful friendships and of course love relationships and also business partnerships based on love and respect.”
“If you need help in loving yourself, trusting other people, opening your heart to them, finding your soul family and creating relationships based on unconditional love, call me to help you. If you want me to help someone else, ask me to go and help them. If your inner child needs some love, call me to wrap it in my energy and it will feel loved.”
“I love being an Archangel. I love to help people and all beings really. But you have to ask me to help. I can only do so much on a personal level without you giving me permission to do more for you and others. So please, feel free to call me into your life daily, if you like and see yourself and your life transform.” ☺️❤️
Me: “Thank you so much for sharing with us all.”
Archangel Chamuel: “It was a pleasure.”