Antje Roggemann Medium

Examples of physical symptoms & topics/past lives behind them

This is a list of recent physical symptoms in Life Clearing Sessions with the identified underlying topics and/or past lives. First line is always the physical symptom. Second line in brackets is identified underlying topics and/or past lives.

  • Very bloated stomach, actually always
  • (past life hunger bloated belly and worms bloated belly)
  • Joint pain, often also after eating
  • (past life rheumatism)
  • Adhesion of the fasciae
  • (trauma)
  • Ear pressure, as if they were closed and slight pain  
  • (past life drowning)
  • deposits on tonsils for a long time, throat sometimes still inflamed 
  • (past life diphtheria, died of it as a child)
  • Very severe period pain, abdominal cramps, a lot of blood and nausea
  • (past life abortion)
  • Inflamed, swollen toe that has not healed properly for years 
  • (past life blood poisoning, bacterial infection without healing)
  • Difficulty breathing, feeling of not being able to breathe
  • (past life diphtheria, diaphragmatic paralysis, suffocation)

This is just to show you that you would never guess or expect any of the underlying topics and/or past lives when you read the physical symptom. Me neither. I see them clairvoyantly when I handwrite the physical symptoms on a piece of paper.

All physical symptoms and the underlying topics and/or past lives are being cleared off the client’s energy field in a Life Clearing Session. So, if you have reoccurring physical symptoms, patterns, behaviors, emotions or had them in your childhood, teenage years, adulthood, we can clear current as well as past symptoms and underlying topics and/or past lives from your energy field.


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Life Clearing Sessions

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