Antje Roggemann Medium

Life Clearing Sessions

How does a Life Clearing Session work?

A Life Clearing Session enables us to remove spirits, earthbound spirits, negative extraterrestrials, black magic as well as trauma & generational trauma from your energy field. As spirits and earthbound spirits cause physical, emotional, mental symptoms, removing them will remove those symptoms too.

In a Life Clearing Session, we connect to your energy field and use the information you have given us about your life, problems, illnesses and deceased loved ones to test exactly what is the most prevalent topic right now, who are the spirits or earthbound spirits and what needs to be treated in the session.

Each session is being led by one or more Archangels or Ascended Masters. We always test whether your soul gives permission for the treatment and whether the spirit world allows us to do the treatment. We have never received No as an answer so far.

Testing is done with a tensor. That is a tool which gives Yes/No answers to Yes/No questions which means that we have to ask all questions in a Yes/No format. My work partner Alaya, who I do these sessions with, is a pro in using the tensor.

All spirits and earthbound spirits that are in your energy field will be released or transitioned into the light in one session. Children can sometimes be treated together with a parent. We usually test that in advance.

Every spirit and earthbound spirit in your energy field has their own story and trauma. And usually that has affected all generations who came after them including you. Each spirit and earthbound spirit receives the healing they need which then enables us to remove them or transition them. This is not about throwing someone out of your energy field, but rather about providing the healing they need and helping them to move on. This healing will also benefit you.

The client, you, also receives healing and everything that is needed for you to release those spirits and earthbound spirits.

We use long lists of possible reasons for the spirits being in your energy field to determine with the tensor exactly what the problem is. We use equally long lists of healing frequencies, remedies, treatments to test exactly what they need. The tensor can tune all those frequencies into the energy field which provides healing. The tensor can also remove low vibrational and negative frequencies from the energy field and transmute them into positive ones.

We write a detailed protocol of what has been tested, done, removed, who was in your energy field and what frequencies, remedies have been tuned into the energy field.

A Life Clearing Session is a 2 hour session. It is not an in person life session. The client is not present with us while we do it. The client can do whatever they want. It doesn’t matter where you are physically or what you do. You will usually feel a relief after the session.

A Life Clearing Session costs 333€ and can be booked on demand with me via DM on Instagram or email.

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Why are spirits and earthbound spirits in people’s energy fields?

This is something many people live with. It is originally mainly created in wars, because wars create many spirits (deceased people who move into the light), earthbound spirits (deceased people who don’t move into the light) and injured and traumatized people who’s energy fields are open for energies and spirits to attach.

Up until now there wasn’t enough consciousness and awareness on the planet for this to be known, visible or detectable. Now it is.

I have just learned that I grew up with this and people in my family have spirits in their energy fields. I now also know that some of the lashing out of people actually comes from spirits or earthbound spirits acting out their trauma through them. I have also learned that some spirits or earthbound spirits are able to manipulate energy and even affect more than one person.

What’s very apparent in all Life Clearing Sessions is that all spirits and earthbound spirits that we found in client’s energy fields including in my own needed help and healing for trauma, and then they were ready to transition into the light and leave the energy field of the client.

The more people heal their trauma and come into their own power and want to be who they really are, the more people will want spirits and earthbound spirits to be removed from their energy fields, because they are a form of someone else ruling over you and using you and your body and energy field for their own interest. They really only want and need help. And so do you when you have them in your energy field. Anything in your energy field causing you to be open to attract spirits or earthbound spirits needs to be healed, released and your energy field protected.

Issues caused by spirits & earthbound spirits in people’s energy fields

(from 10 clients in 3 months)

  • 30.000€ financial loss in business in 1 year
  • Lack of personal responsibility, too much external determination
  • Lack of orientation about own path + low self-esteem
  • Separation from the divine & fear of spirituality
  • Not feeling one’s own wishes and feelings
  • separation
  • abortion
  • addiction
  • suicidal thoughts
  • suicide attempt
  • abusive men as partners
  • issues in relationships
  • no privacy
  • behavior manipulation of all family members
  • loosing a home
  • lipoedema
  • chronic pain
  • hip pain
  • knee pain & swollen knee
  • fatty liver
  • heart chakra blockage
  • fever blisters

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