Antje Roggemann Medium

Collective Healing Session Resistance

This week I recorded a new Collective Healing Session video on the topic of Resistance which is coming up for many people right now.

I have prepared this Collective Healing Session the same way I would prepare a Healing Session for you personally as a client. The Symbols used are Angel Symbols by Ingrid Auer. I asked 5 questions, pulled an Angel Symbol for each one, wrote out the topics the Angel points to and channeled guidance for you from each Angel.

Ask yourself where this applies in your life right now. What do you get upset about? What do you don’t want to have or accept? What do you want to happen now or quickly? Do you want all of this to be over soon or fast? All of that is resistance. Resistance creates tension and blocks transformation. Only being in the Now and Acceptance allow for transformation.

That doesn’t mean you are not allowed to feel upcoming feelings. Quite the contrary. In the moment you feel them, accept them with the mantra “Acceptance” and that’s when they can release and transform.

Enjoy the video and I hope it helps you in your current process.


Healing Sessions

Book a Healing Session with Angel Symbols to release any pain, trauma, karma from the past related to any area of your life. I also offer Healing Sessions for Twinflames/Sacred Union partners.

Healing Sessions


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