Today is the 5th birthday of my book „Is It Cool To Be An Angel? – Interviews with Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels“. The book is available on Amazon. Links are below. Reviews are below as well.
About the book:
During a treatment in 2017 my osteopath asked me “Is it actually cool to be an Angel?” The room we were in was filled with Angels, and his Guardian Angel was smiling. So I decided to interview Angels and ask them that question.
For about 40 days Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels volunteered to be interviewed.
Part one of this book contains 33 interviews with Angels, Archangels and two Guardian Angels. The initial question for each interview is always the same: “Is it cool to be an Angel?” While each Angel shares their own reasons why they find it cool to be an Angel, they also share much more about themselves. Each Angel explains who they are, what their tasks are, what they are doing on Earth, how they can help you and when and how you can call on them. Some interviews are also quite funny. Angels do have humor.
Part two of the book contains a message from all Guardian Angels addressed to all humans on planet Earth. There’s also a special bonus in there for every reader.
During the time of the interviews I also received a lot of questions from people about Angels and Guardian Angels. I asked two Guardian Angels to do a Q&A with me. Because of the large number of questions I did three Q&A’s with them. These Q&A’s are part three of the book.
Links to buy the book: