Antje Roggemann Medium

Excerpts from a Healing Session Lecture for one of my Healer & Medium Training students

I teach all my students individually in Healing Sessions, because everyone is different and what they need to know at any given time is highly individual and depends on their own healing journey. Everything I teach is always being prompted by their current symptoms and issues showing up.

Here are a few teaching examples of today’s Healing Session Lecture:

When an illness or symptoms suddenly occur in childhood, it always comes from a past life. The situation in the here and now is just the trigger that brings it up.

I always say that there are no allergies to plants, dust or animals. It always has a background that has to do with the people in the person’s life, with energies or trauma from this and past lives.

It’s not about resolving everything at once. That’s not how healing and growth work. We are here in this life with other people to grow together. And this task applies to our entire life.

It never shows up all at once. That would be far too much and wouldn’t make sense at all. Which means not everything is being resolved right now, because it only comes to light when it’s the right time. 

Nobody needs to be saved. The person who expects to be saved needs to come out of their comfort zone and into their personal power. The pattern is toxic because it turns the rescuer into an enabler. This means that the rescuer enables the other person to remain in their toxic helplessness behaviour. In doing so, the rescuer prevents the other person from growing. Super important as a healer not to become a rescuer and take responsibility away from others. Always stay within your own boundaries.


If you want to know more about the Healer & Medium Training, here are all the details. DM me if you have questions.

Healer & Medium Training

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