Antje Roggemann Medium

Reiki 2 – Emotional & Mental Level, Distance Treatment

Reiki 2 amplifies the energy, is for the emotional and mental level and for distance treatment.

You learn:

  • Symbol 1 that amplifies the energy.
  • Symbol 2 that enables to treat on the emotional and mental level.
  • Symbol 3 that allows distance treatment, treatment of the past and and clearing rooms.

You also learn many combinations of using the three symbols together for different purposes.

You can treat yourself and other people as well as animals, plants, rooms directly in person or via distance treatment.

You receive 3 attunements, one for each symbol. They anchor the symbols in your energy field and clear your energy, release stored emotions and align you more with Source energy.

The attunements are followed by 21 days of self-Reiki which will clear out old energy and bring in new energy releasing more stuck emotions and trauma that block energy flow. You are raising your vibration.

Sensitivities and abilities can come out or become stronger in the process of learning and using Reiki.

Learn Reiki 1-4 with me.


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